Monday, December 21, 2020

Thursday with Dad (instead of Friday)

Dad and I had our "Friday" together on Thursday of last week. I had forgotten I had told him I would pick him up because Sandy had an appointment, but Noah had my car at work. Thankfully when Dad called me, Noah was almost finished making deliveries (his current job right now is making deliveries for a bakery), so he just went to Dad's and brought him to my house. I had lunch ready the minute he walked in, because I knew he would be hungry like I was.

As usual, we enjoyed our afternoon and I took him home around four. This picture below was him reading his card I sent to them for Christmas. Have I mentioned he is legally blind? He can read using special tools like this magnifying glass with a light, but this is why he no longer drives. We're doing something new and different for us one day in the early part of this week, but I'll share about that another time.

 I am so thankful to the Lord for all of my family, the relationships we have with one another and for blessed times like these. I pray that I never take one moment of precious time for granted.