Saturday, June 23, 2012


I remember doing this as a little girl.  I used to love dancing with my dad.  It would usually be after dinner.  I remember standing on his shoes, with my arms around him, and him leading me in a sweet little dance.

I am the youngest of their six kids, and we were all blessed with amazing parents.

I also remember a tradition that Dad and I started when I was a little older.  We would play Uno every night after dinner.  Every single night.  Without fail.  He taught me to be the Uno queen.  I still kind of am.

Do you have early memories like this from your childhood?

My take-away for the day is to make some memories of your own with your kids.  It's never too late to start, and I promise, it'll be the best thing you ever give them. 

Love to all.

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